
Vitamin K3 Leather auxiliaries Chromium salts Cement additives

As a main form of Vitamin K, it can effectively change into K2 in the animal body, and plays a role

We now produce three series of leather chemicals: tanning agent series, fatliquor series and auxi

Chromium salts mainly includes sodium dichromate, potassium dichromate, chromic anhydride and Chrom

HP-300 Concrete pumping agent is a Naphthalene-grouping & high efficient water reducing agent,

Product name Introduction
Industrial potassium dichromate Industrial potassium dichromate Molecular formula:K2Cr2O7 Molecular weight:294.18 1. Properties:orange red triclinic tabular crystal. ....
Industrial acid anhydride (chromic anhydride or chromic acid) Yunnan Luliang Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd Molecular formula:CrO3 Molecular weight:99.99 1. Properties:Violet red rhombic crystal, Indust...
Workers sodium dichromate (sodium dichromate) Yunnan Luliang Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd Molecular formula:Na2Cr2O7•2H2O Molecular weight:298.00 1. Properties:bright orange red...
HP-300 Concrete pumping agent Introduction HP-300 Concrete pumping agent is Naphthalene-grouping & high efficient water reducing agent and the amount of plastic retainin...
FDN-HP high efficient water reducing agent Introduction Technical performance of this product are in line with concrete admixtures GB GB8076-2008 standards required are β sodium nap...
FDN-HP( liquid) high efficient water reducing agent Introduction Technical performance of this product are in compliance with international GB8076-2008 concrete admixtures required standards, b...
HP-2 Concrete pumping agent Introduction HP-2 Concrete pumping agent mainly composed of Polycarboxylic acid high performed water reducing agent and retarder, Strengthening...
HP series retarder , retarding water reducing agent, retarding high efficient water reducing agent Introduction HP series retarder, retarding water reducing agent, retarding high efficient water reducing agent meet concrete admixtures GB GB...
HP series waterproof agent Introduction HP series waterproof agent of concrete admixtures meet national building materials industry standard JC474-2008 quality requiremen...
HP-S Concrete accelerator Introduction HP-S Concrete accelerator ingredients containing mainly SIO2, FE2O3, AI2O3, NA2O, CAO, MGQ, etc., after calcination to form sodi...
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